Monday, March 15, 2010


Hidayah Allah itu dimana2..

tak kira di malaysia, di mesir, di US..apatah lagi di bumi UK..

I witness a lot of his sign of Creator when I am away from my homeland...

previous month before, Maghrib prayer was at 4 o'clock, but now, 18.10 in the evening is the prayer time.well, seems that time has moved on so's getting haywire somehow... thus i need to reschedule my biological clock, according to what Allah has determine.

i can't no more sleep late, because i need to wake up early in the morning to perform my Subuh prayer, which now is roughly 4.30 in the morning. I have to change my alarm clock from 6, to 4.30 now...hmm...Subhanallah... kuasa Allah sgt obvious dekat cni...amazing...

buds of daffodils are started to bloom, which is the sign of spring term is going to say hi to me...
seeds of Hidayah, is lingering around me, which show the signs that Allah loves me..He wants to speak to me, He wants me look for Him, He wants me to hear Him, He wants me to be near to Him, and it also shows that He never leaves me...

Thank You ya Allah for all this gifts...

Friday, March 12, 2010

in this journey

Along this journey,I learnt a lot of things.
it is difficult to express my feeling into words,but i'm trying because i want to share with you,what i feel.
we are not going to know what might happen to ourselves in future,but one thing that we have to remember.Allah is Always the best judge that can make decision for you. This is one of the most valuable things that i can learn throughout this journey. Alhamdulillah, praise to Allah because He gives me opportunity to witness and feel this, that maybe no one else could do. I have a friend, she is now a Muslim..Alhamdulillah. Allah has opened her eyes to see the truth, Allah has opened her hearts to understand what is Islam, what are we a human being should do.
We are belong to Him, and He is our creator that we must be devoted to. I'm a lucky person as i am born as a Muslim, from Muslim family and my parents do practice Islam as our way of life. Alhamdulillah.
Hidayah is belong to Him. only Him, the one who can decide to whom He wants to give the Hidayah, no matter that person is searching for it, or not even think about it. Alhamdulillah, finally my friend has found the right way after she had been searching for it.
from this, this has strengthen my Faith towards You, this has taught me not to think negative about other people, this had taught me to keep on seeking for knowledge, don't let ourselves being in ignorant, always find opportunity to seek for more righteous in our life.
this is my opportunity to change myself, be out from the darkness, out from jahiliyah, out from ignorant.
tq so much ya Allah for showing me all this.
i learnt from her. i now know the value of Islam, the value of iman. the value of your love
You give me all this because You love me. You want me to see more, to understand more than others.
she has become my booster to turn over new leaves, she has become a catalyst for me to become a better person.
You tickle my heart softly. You know me better than myself...because You are my creator, and you are my life saviour..
Thank You Ya Allah..

Monday, March 8, 2010

mari merendah diri

Jika engkau bertemu dengan seseorang, maka yakinilah bahawa dia lebih baikdarimu. Ucapkan dalam hatimu : “Mungkin kedudukannya di sisi Allah jauh lebih baik dan lebih tinggi dariku”.

Jika bertemu anak kecil, maka ucapkanlah (dalam hatimu) : “Anak ini belum bermaksiat kepada Allah, sedangkan diriku telah banyak bermaksiat kepadaNya. Tentu anak ini jauh lebih baik dariku”

Jika bertemu orang tua, maka ucapkanlah (dalam hatimu) : “Dia telah beribadah kepada Allah jauh lebih lama dariku, tentu dia lebih baik dariku”.

Jika bertemu dengan seorang yang berilmu, maka ucapkanlah (dalam hatimu) : “Orang ini memperoleh kurnia yang tidak akan kuperolehi, mencapai kedudukan yang tidak akan pernah kucapai, mengetahui apa yang tidak kuketahui dan dia mengamalkan ilmunya, tentu dia lebih baik dariku”

Jika bertemu dengan seorang yang jahil, maka katakanlah (dalam hatimu) :Orang ini bermaksiat kepada Allah kerana dia jahil (tidak tahu), sedangkan aku bermaksiat kepadaNya padahal aku mengetahui akibatnya. Dan aku tidak tahu bagaimana akhir umurku dan umurnya kelak. Dia tentu lebih baik dariku”.

Jika bertemu dengan orang kafir, maka katakanlah (dalam hatimu) :Aku tidak tahu bagaimana keadaannya kelak, mungkin di akhir usianya dia memeluk Islam dan beramal soleh. Dan mungkin boleh jadi di akhir usia diriku kufur dan berbuat buruk.

dari Syeikh Abdulkadir Al Jailani..