Tiba2 rasa nak becakap isu aurat. Bende lame. sebelum akhil baligh lagi dah tau.
aurat perempuan, menutup seluruh anggota badan kecuali muka dan pergelangan tangan (ayat jawapan exam fiqh mase sekolah agama kecik2 dulu).
aurat lelaki dari pusat sampai lutut (pun jawapan buku teks dulu2).
oklah boring, buang mase je ulang.
Isu aku skang ni adalah, aurat aku dengan sepupu laki2 belah mak aku, dan dengan pak-pak sedara yang kawin dgn adik badik perempuan mak dan ayah aku.oh dan juga, abang2 ipar (in my case, i anak tunggal, sepupu ipar yang lelaki).
feww..sumpah..selama ni aku neglect kot benda ni. bukan ape, tak tefikir. yelah, rasa selamat, dalam rumah sendiri. bukan orang lain, family members, relatives sendiri. pedulik ape.
tak boleh izzati, tak boleh. Sekarang, kamu dah tau, dah ade ilmu, amalkanlah. apa guna, ada ilmu, tapi tak amal? ibarat ada akaun facebook, tapi takde kawan. (what the heck?)
aku mula sedar benda ni start aku form 4, dulu, masa mula islamisasi berlaku dalam diri aku, sebab masuk mrsm jasin, n now known as mrsm TGB. bermulalah, isu tudung kene jahit kat tengah, kalau tak jait kene letak 3 pin. jangan sengseng lengan, stokin pakai, stokin jarang kene maki, tudung kene jatuh, tak boleh simpang tudung...
blueck..bosan2..lame issue..dah belalu dah zaman tu..
time kasihla akak2 senior yg poyo, yg menegur sana sini, alhamdulillah, kerana anda, saya maintain bertudung tutup dada, kerana anda saya dah tak pakai tshirt 3 suku, dan berstokin bila keluar. alhamdulillah. dulu saya buat ni semua atas dasar peraturan, akhirnya saya berjaya ikhlaskn hati saya utk lakukan ini semua kerana Allah dan atas dasar tak nak carik pasal dgn Allah. terima kasih. jasamu dikenang.
ok, melalut dah ni, isu yg aku nk cakp ni, isu aurat dgn family members yg aku senarai tadi. ok, semenjak dari aku form 4, and dah agak2 insaf bab2 aurat ni, aku pon mula la nak ambik inisiatif, untuk mengenakan tudung di dalam rumah.
lokasi:rumah wan
(suasana kampung yang meriah, sanak saudara pulang ke kampung, berkumpul bersama)
scene 1
X: Ko ape hal betudung2 ni ti? ko nak pi mano? (loghat negeri sembilan)
scene 2
Y: ko ape sal betudung ni ti? ko malu dgn bang XXX ke?
well, susah jadi aku, nak berjuang dalam keadaan family aku, yg nk kata jauh dgn islam tu, takde la, semayang la jugak diorg, but u know..muslim biasa..tatau la nak istilahkan mcm mana. but, that's how it is. agak dilema la.
mak ayah aku pon tak pernah tegur. sume bende aku kene buat sendiri2, sorang2. kalau nak ikutkan, sedara mara aku yg perempuan yg lain tu, tak pyh nk jaga sgt, sebab, sepupu aku yg laki2 tu, adik beradik ng diorg. kirenye, dalam ramai2 cucu wan aku tu, mmg aku la yang wajib amik extra precautions tuk hal2 macam ni.
eh cop2..not exactly, they still have to think about my ayah, nak ikutkan itu aurat. haih, oi korang, jom la pakai tudung. ko ingat tak dosa ke korang tunjuk rambut korang depan bapak aku, depan paktam?depan bang wan hah?
aish..siot tol..
yes, that's the keyword. perubahan menuntun perngorbanan. betul, once bile dah betudung dalam umah sendiri, orang akan heran, bertanya, pelik, sebab cara kite befikir tak sama macam diorang.
Pasni kalau aku balik kampung, aku dah kene betudung 24 jam, tgklah, kalau sume pempuan, aku tanggal la, rimas kot. gtulah nampaknya. This is my choice. for my own sake, dunya wal akhirah.
kalau ade sape2 yang rasa nak ikut, jom la.
"biar letih kene seksa didunia, daripada sakit diseksa diakhirat kelak"
Ku mohon kau pinjamkan izzah buat diriku ya rabb.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Hadis 12
hadith 12:Keelokan seorang mukmin adalah meninggalkan perkara yang tidak berfaedah.
عَنْ أَبِي هُرَیْرَةَ رَضِىَ الله عَنْهُ قَالَ: قَالَ رَسُولُ الله صَلَّى الله عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّم : (( مِنْ حُسْن
إِسْلاَمِ المَرْءِ تَرْآُهُ مَا لاَ یَعْنِيْهِ)) حدیث حسن رواه الترمذي وغيره هكذا
Daripada Abu Hurairah r.a beliau berkata: Rasulullah SAW telah bersabda:
Sebahagian daripada keelokan seorang mukmin ialah meninggalkan apa yang tidak berfaedah baginya. Hadis ini Hadis Hasan, diriwayatkan oleh al-Tarmizi dan lain-lain sedemikian.
haih, i'm an ugly mukminah.
i should say bye..
1. horror movies
2. Facebook
3. karaoke
4. watchword-bnda lagha
5. Bye cakap2 kosong
6. bye cerekarama
7. bye handbag
عَنْ أَبِي هُرَیْرَةَ رَضِىَ الله عَنْهُ قَالَ: قَالَ رَسُولُ الله صَلَّى الله عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّم : (( مِنْ حُسْن
إِسْلاَمِ المَرْءِ تَرْآُهُ مَا لاَ یَعْنِيْهِ)) حدیث حسن رواه الترمذي وغيره هكذا
Daripada Abu Hurairah r.a beliau berkata: Rasulullah SAW telah bersabda:
Sebahagian daripada keelokan seorang mukmin ialah meninggalkan apa yang tidak berfaedah baginya. Hadis ini Hadis Hasan, diriwayatkan oleh al-Tarmizi dan lain-lain sedemikian.
haih, i'm an ugly mukminah.
i should say bye..
1. horror movies
2. Facebook
3. karaoke
4. watchword-bnda lagha
5. Bye cakap2 kosong
6. bye cerekarama
7. bye handbag
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Espana, spain, sepanyol
Assalamualaikum w.b.t
hello, this is my second entry for 2011, the first entry of the new semester and hoping it might not be the last entry in my blog. Insyaallah..
Previously, previously i have shared with you about my travelogue on my 15 days journey of Kelana Convoy. Now I would like tell a little bit about my experience on my jaulah, and this time it's Spain!
Alhamdulillah, it is along journey, 1 hour and half flight from stansted London to Seville, Spain.And we took a different journey for return to london which is via Girona, Barcelona to Gatwick, London. (we look for the cheapest method). and this time it took around 2 hours and a half. Thanks to Ryan Air for the good bargain.
We went to 5 different capital city which are Seville, Granada, Cordova, Madrid and Barcelona. these jaulah took 8 days to be completed which is from 17-24th of december 2010, and, we managed to spend below than 500 pounds for everything, including transportation, hostels and hotels, foods, souvenirs and tickets ;)
The 1st city- Seville (17-18 december 2010)
we landed in seville airport quite dark at that moment, then we took taxis to go to oasis backpackers hostel. It was quite difficult for us to find the hostels, we asked people here and there but most of the people around, are helpful but due to language barrier, it was quite difficult for us to communicate to ask for direction but in the end..Alhamdulillah...we managed to find it. :)

Entrance of the Cathedral

on the next day, our first stop was at the Alcazar. it is a very huge and seems like a city. There palace, Bath place, Mosque and now has become a church. There a are a lot of carvings that written in arabic letters, and we can see the phrase 'la ila ha ilallah' which means there is no god but Allah on the walls. some of them are carved and using mosaic art.

In front of the Alcazar

Patio De Las Doncellas

Baths of Lady Maria De Padilla

no idea what building is that :P
after that, after we got split, my friends adlyn ipi, and I wandered around all over places searching for the other girls. but our searching was turned to nothing but it ended up until we arrived at another toursit attraction which is plaza de espana:)

these are the pictures of Plaza de Espana. There are list of drawings on mosaic and brief history of every state in spain.
oh by the way, we had missed our bus to granada which supposedly depart at 5 oclock but, due to malfunction info counter. the drawback was, we nedd to pay extra 6 euro which previously the ticket was 16 euro. and our next bus will be boarded at 11 pm. peace Y. That was really torturing and realy testing my patience. stranded at somewhere that have no halal foods, no proper place to pray, proper toilet and people that seeing u as stranger was just terrible.
19-20 of december 2010-Granada
5 hours journey from seville to granada, we finally arrived at our booked hotel. several things happen here, and again, really teach me a lesson on patience. several problem occur, money goes out, same goes to our energy,it channels through my anger and yes, sweat..
two days in Granada, i think this is the best city among 5 places that we went in spain, it's very historic, traditional, and i can still smell the glory of Islam that was once abig authority in spain, that brings spain from dark ages to a remarkable empire which now entirely left as an history.
In Granada, we visited al-hambra, this is the place where islamic system and rules were implemented, huge building, mosque, palace that full of carvings that Glorify the lord were carved in every angle of the wall, but , that remain as history. There's no use for that, as it's just remind me of the fall of islamic empire-abasiyyah period in spain, and how they worship arts more than they worship God. they started to neglect their obligation, forget about jihad, forget to spread dakwah as they were very in a comfort zone, until, they were attacked by the moghul soldiers, and that's it. no more Islam in spain. everything is disappeared.
no more azan(call for prayer). no proper place for us, to pray. no proper place for ablution. we, are seen as very strange to them because we wear hijab. that's how islam is very odd to them. it seems that the people have no idea at all. everything is demolished. every truth is hidden until the people are blind of their history.

for your information, In Granada, there is a place a place call islamic street, where there are abundances of things are sold along the street. those who are leather maniac, u can have a good bargain for purse, jackets, bags, hanbags shoes and other beautiful stuffs which are mostly come from middle east countries. all the leather stuffs are mostly come from morrocco, and in here, we found halal kebab shop, and I had shawarma pollo (chicken kebab), and it was really nice, and finally i can eat CHICKEN!
we also tried several other spanish cuisin like tapas-kind of desert, it wont make u full at all.. we also tried churos, bit like cha koy that we have in malaysia, it's just that, we eat them together with hot chocolate, and we also had paellas for the first time. Paellas is just like fried rice but, it's flooded with gravy, and we can choose what flavour that we want.:)

21 december 2010-cordova
we just spent one night in cordova, as there is nothing much to see anyway, but this is the most important visit i would say among the other places. in cordova, we had visited the mezquita mosque, which historically, was a mosque but now it has become a church. it's basically a church built over mosque. however, we happened to find out, these fact were hid and altered. They, those that have sickness in their heart, claim that, this mezquita "church' was invaded and was made as mosque, and when christian gain back the authority from islam, it changed back into church.
what a sick and pathetic lies that u made. hello people, wake up, the information provided in the brochure were totally false and those who believe in that, u guys are cheated! if u want to learn history, dont just look at one side source or else u will have one sided mind that's why people are prejudice with islam. the mezquita mosque was once a mosque, and now it is a church. i can see these people effort demolishing the islamic features that exist in the mosque. Again, U people are pathetic. get that fact right!

mezquita mosque
22 december 2010-madrid
Madrid, a big city, modern, lively, chaotic, and busy. we just look around the town, took pictures which we don't really visit them, and have no idea what are the names of the building. :P
oh yes,
i went to Madrid FC stadium babeh ;)

plaza de trorres, where silly human being risking their life fighting with bulls

Behind is the statue of a bear "kissing" (i don't know what exactly it's doing there) the madranyo tree. the name Madrid is belived to be originated from the name of this tree.
23 december 2010-Barcelona ;)
Barcelona is the last destination for jaulah in spain. the first visit was Gaudi park, where Gaudi, was an architect, and most of his architecture are inspired by nature. he believed that, building should have no angle, not too rigid and have to resemble nature. he's quite Gothic though.There were lost of lizard statue on his creation. he's design seems weird to me and that makes them look different and special.
other than that, we visited the La Sagrada Familia, which is a cathedral. a huge cathedral, where the construction began since 1882 but up till now, the construction is havent completed yet, and it is expected to be completed in 2041. It has creepy look, eerie and gothic.

24 december 2010-
Girona, barcelona to gatwick
that's the end of our journey. farewell spain..

jaulah spain leaves thousand stories for my friends and me. I strengthen our friendship, makes me know friends well, that makes me realise difference of a friend and good friend. there is a difference :)
I learn a lesson that might not be taught in lectures or courses in university. maybe there is, but, the understanding is different when u have hands on experience ;)
God has spoken to me, God has delivered a very important lecture to me along this journey. i got the message. thanks very much
hello, this is my second entry for 2011, the first entry of the new semester and hoping it might not be the last entry in my blog. Insyaallah..
Previously, previously i have shared with you about my travelogue on my 15 days journey of Kelana Convoy. Now I would like tell a little bit about my experience on my jaulah, and this time it's Spain!
Alhamdulillah, it is along journey, 1 hour and half flight from stansted London to Seville, Spain.And we took a different journey for return to london which is via Girona, Barcelona to Gatwick, London. (we look for the cheapest method). and this time it took around 2 hours and a half. Thanks to Ryan Air for the good bargain.
We went to 5 different capital city which are Seville, Granada, Cordova, Madrid and Barcelona. these jaulah took 8 days to be completed which is from 17-24th of december 2010, and, we managed to spend below than 500 pounds for everything, including transportation, hostels and hotels, foods, souvenirs and tickets ;)
The 1st city- Seville (17-18 december 2010)
we landed in seville airport quite dark at that moment, then we took taxis to go to oasis backpackers hostel. It was quite difficult for us to find the hostels, we asked people here and there but most of the people around, are helpful but due to language barrier, it was quite difficult for us to communicate to ask for direction but in the end..Alhamdulillah...we managed to find it. :)
Entrance of the Cathedral
on the next day, our first stop was at the Alcazar. it is a very huge and seems like a city. There palace, Bath place, Mosque and now has become a church. There a are a lot of carvings that written in arabic letters, and we can see the phrase 'la ila ha ilallah' which means there is no god but Allah on the walls. some of them are carved and using mosaic art.
In front of the Alcazar
Patio De Las Doncellas
Baths of Lady Maria De Padilla
no idea what building is that :P
after that, after we got split, my friends adlyn ipi, and I wandered around all over places searching for the other girls. but our searching was turned to nothing but it ended up until we arrived at another toursit attraction which is plaza de espana:)
these are the pictures of Plaza de Espana. There are list of drawings on mosaic and brief history of every state in spain.
oh by the way, we had missed our bus to granada which supposedly depart at 5 oclock but, due to malfunction info counter. the drawback was, we nedd to pay extra 6 euro which previously the ticket was 16 euro. and our next bus will be boarded at 11 pm. peace Y. That was really torturing and realy testing my patience. stranded at somewhere that have no halal foods, no proper place to pray, proper toilet and people that seeing u as stranger was just terrible.
19-20 of december 2010-Granada
5 hours journey from seville to granada, we finally arrived at our booked hotel. several things happen here, and again, really teach me a lesson on patience. several problem occur, money goes out, same goes to our energy,it channels through my anger and yes, sweat..
two days in Granada, i think this is the best city among 5 places that we went in spain, it's very historic, traditional, and i can still smell the glory of Islam that was once abig authority in spain, that brings spain from dark ages to a remarkable empire which now entirely left as an history.
In Granada, we visited al-hambra, this is the place where islamic system and rules were implemented, huge building, mosque, palace that full of carvings that Glorify the lord were carved in every angle of the wall, but , that remain as history. There's no use for that, as it's just remind me of the fall of islamic empire-abasiyyah period in spain, and how they worship arts more than they worship God. they started to neglect their obligation, forget about jihad, forget to spread dakwah as they were very in a comfort zone, until, they were attacked by the moghul soldiers, and that's it. no more Islam in spain. everything is disappeared.
no more azan(call for prayer). no proper place for us, to pray. no proper place for ablution. we, are seen as very strange to them because we wear hijab. that's how islam is very odd to them. it seems that the people have no idea at all. everything is demolished. every truth is hidden until the people are blind of their history.
for your information, In Granada, there is a place a place call islamic street, where there are abundances of things are sold along the street. those who are leather maniac, u can have a good bargain for purse, jackets, bags, hanbags shoes and other beautiful stuffs which are mostly come from middle east countries. all the leather stuffs are mostly come from morrocco, and in here, we found halal kebab shop, and I had shawarma pollo (chicken kebab), and it was really nice, and finally i can eat CHICKEN!
we also tried several other spanish cuisin like tapas-kind of desert, it wont make u full at all.. we also tried churos, bit like cha koy that we have in malaysia, it's just that, we eat them together with hot chocolate, and we also had paellas for the first time. Paellas is just like fried rice but, it's flooded with gravy, and we can choose what flavour that we want.:)

21 december 2010-cordova
we just spent one night in cordova, as there is nothing much to see anyway, but this is the most important visit i would say among the other places. in cordova, we had visited the mezquita mosque, which historically, was a mosque but now it has become a church. it's basically a church built over mosque. however, we happened to find out, these fact were hid and altered. They, those that have sickness in their heart, claim that, this mezquita "church' was invaded and was made as mosque, and when christian gain back the authority from islam, it changed back into church.
what a sick and pathetic lies that u made. hello people, wake up, the information provided in the brochure were totally false and those who believe in that, u guys are cheated! if u want to learn history, dont just look at one side source or else u will have one sided mind that's why people are prejudice with islam. the mezquita mosque was once a mosque, and now it is a church. i can see these people effort demolishing the islamic features that exist in the mosque. Again, U people are pathetic. get that fact right!

mezquita mosque
22 december 2010-madrid
Madrid, a big city, modern, lively, chaotic, and busy. we just look around the town, took pictures which we don't really visit them, and have no idea what are the names of the building. :P
oh yes,
i went to Madrid FC stadium babeh ;)

plaza de trorres, where silly human being risking their life fighting with bulls

Behind is the statue of a bear "kissing" (i don't know what exactly it's doing there) the madranyo tree. the name Madrid is belived to be originated from the name of this tree.
23 december 2010-Barcelona ;)
Barcelona is the last destination for jaulah in spain. the first visit was Gaudi park, where Gaudi, was an architect, and most of his architecture are inspired by nature. he believed that, building should have no angle, not too rigid and have to resemble nature. he's quite Gothic though.There were lost of lizard statue on his creation. he's design seems weird to me and that makes them look different and special.
other than that, we visited the La Sagrada Familia, which is a cathedral. a huge cathedral, where the construction began since 1882 but up till now, the construction is havent completed yet, and it is expected to be completed in 2041. It has creepy look, eerie and gothic.

24 december 2010-
Girona, barcelona to gatwick
that's the end of our journey. farewell spain..

jaulah spain leaves thousand stories for my friends and me. I strengthen our friendship, makes me know friends well, that makes me realise difference of a friend and good friend. there is a difference :)
I learn a lesson that might not be taught in lectures or courses in university. maybe there is, but, the understanding is different when u have hands on experience ;)
God has spoken to me, God has delivered a very important lecture to me along this journey. i got the message. thanks very much
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