Day 1
Ahamdulillah, it was a great pleasure to be able to travel to european country which there were 6 of them altogether. During this 15 days trip, I've seen a lot of people, beautiful scenery, amazing architecture, leftovers... and so forth..
We departed from London and straight away to France, that was my first time being in an underwater tunnel. It was about 2 hours journey from dover, england to calais, france.
inside the tunnel..bawah laut..dgn bas skali naik train..masuk bwah laut..hehe
this is our bus..coach number 2..the most happening coach because we are all students inside this bus...n ade abag kahirul dalama bus ni...he never forgot to recite doa before we begin our jorney... bagus2..tour guide yg baik...
after that, on the first day itself we dropped by at the belgian chocolate factory in Belgium. well nothing much i could buy there because some of the chocolates contains alcohol. plus... it's expensive.. so..tgk je la..take pictures...then caus...
6 euros for a cute chocolate teddy, hehhe...beli coklat asda lagi bagus
well, that's all for first day i guess... tak byk pon, because we spend most of our time on the bus heading tu amsterdamse bos, in Amsterdam, Holland, which was our campsite..unlickily, it was raining and we had to build our tent in the rain...urgh...benci gile...
but okla..experience....
Day 2
Holland-Volendam and Amsterdam
Our first stop was cloggs and cheese factory. i bought a pair of cloggs, not for my own use but only for display, red in colour...hehe.. but i din shop very much because it was quite pricy and abg khairul said it's better to shop at the next stop, which was volendam.
and yes, i did my shopping in volendam, i bought some fridge magnets, tshirt, take pictures in dutch costume and almost spend aoroubd 50 euros in volendam alone... so..here some pictures..in volendam..
holland is known as negara kincir angin...windmill
in dutch costume
kat cloggs and cheese factory
and after that, we off to Amsterdam... they have red light district but unfortunately i dont have the chance to there because..hmm..tak sempat..it's time constrain..plus..we had to go back before dark, and the red light district only switch on the red light at night..so.. we din go there...
my tourist guide said, it was a street for sex hunters...hahaha...u can go and find for girls i dunno how much the price is, but the lady were behind glass wall, and if u do want to hire them, just knock on the door, she let u in, and the red light goes off...heheh...
kat blakang tu tulis I AMSTERDAM
with my friends

we were just in front of the entrance..tak masuk pun..4 euros nk tgk bnde gini..tak yah la...
interesting facts about amsterdam dadah is legal in this country, u may purchase drug such as ice baby, ecstasy and so forth easily in any shops, even at the restaurant, they served drink or meal with many drugs that u can choose which flavour that u demand...hmm..
as for the red light district, suddenly i remember my visit in jakarta, there were red light street too in jakarta. well maybe it is because of the dutch influence in indonesia as indon was invaded by dutch before. another fact is, many of the dutch people greet us in bahasa, but they speak in indonesia language, maybe they thought we are indonesian..haha...
one thing that capture my eyes about amsterdam is the house. i like the house and i'm planning to have my own dream house and inspired by the dutch houses.
now we leave holland, lets move on to our next destination which is, Germany
Day 3
our first stop in Germany, was frankfurt, it's a modern city, fantastic architecture, for those who are studying architecture or engineering, frankfurt is the best destination for u to get some ideas.
well, we just dropped by for a while in frankfurt to take some pictures and buy some souvenirs. the stuff were quite expensive, so i din shop much. so i just get some postcards a shirt and fridge magnets. that's all.
in front of cathedral. dunno what it names..tapi cathedral la..
it was sunny on that day
this is euro sign
Day 4
for the next day in germany, we were heading Fussen. in Fussen we had visited 2 castles which are Neuchwanstein castle and the other one i cant remember what it names because it's just weird, which one of them had inspired Mr Disney to build the castle for sleeping beauty.
neuchwanstein castle
me and the dayangs
another castle with the weird name
Day 5
Inssbruck, Austria
now lets move on to the next destination which is innbruck, Austria. it is a very beautiful place and it is a perfect spot for nature lover. i love austria because it has a very beutiful scenery and i enjoyed taking pictures until i'm tired of snapping, in the end i just capture all the moments and the sceneries using my own photographic mind.
love the view...
ya Allah..cantiknya...
after that, we headed to the town, and our first stop was swarovski shop, which is a crystal shop. it's a perfect spot for datins and mak cik2 yang suke kan perhiasan. u can get them for reasonable price and i manage to buy two pairs of ear rings, one for my own and one for my mother. After the swarovski shop, we strolled around the town, looking for souvenirs, as usual, postcards, shirt, fridge magnet, taking pictures and that's all.
that's crystal
Venice. Italy
Italy. people claimed that it is the most romantic place because the people are romantic. well i doubt that because, biase je aku tgk... but they are indeed beautiful people. they have perfect complexion tone, especially the ladies...but please watch with the pick pocket because it is a norm in public area. mind your belongings, always keep them safely.
gondola in venice
torres del pisa
venitian mask
colleseum in roma
Day 7
Florence, Italy
they are proud of those naked statues.. i don't know why..maybe they don't have any success to be displayed on.. i don't have much pictures in this place because, so many naked statues, they said it is art, for me, it is a stupid sculpture, they'd rather build recycle bin statue to promote recycle rather than displaying naked man all over places.
Day 8
Rome, Italy
this is the most historical places among those places that i had visited in Italy. i visited colleseum, spagna, the fontana, and many other historical building. it was sunny at first and late in the evening it was raining heavily and luckily i manage to visit all over the suggested place, but i forgot to buy roma postcard which disappoint me. well, maybe, i should come again..:P
Day 9
Pisa, Italy
what will people think of Pisa? of course, the leaning tower..it cost me 15 euros to be on the tower. it worth because it does senget.. i was scared like hell and there was no elevator to get on top of this bell tower, and i just had 30 minutes to be on the tower, and i amazed with myself because i could get on the tower using stairs, and it was in spiral, senget, slippery and tiring.
here some pictures...
Day 10
Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland
in day 10, we spend the whole day on the bus heading to Switzerland, it was a long journey and again such a perfect spot for nature lovers..:)
Day 11
Jungfrau mountain, Swiss Alps
thanks very much ya Allah for giving me chances to step and be on the swiss Alps which is the dream place for others . our journey started quite late around 12 o'clock, those who wanted to go to the top of the mountain, they have to pay 100 swiss franc (i pay 100) and those who just don't have that much money can pay 45 swiss franc and stop at the half of journey. the journey was by train, it took about 2 hours to get on top, and i mesmerised with the lush greenery scene beautiful scenic view, and i just love swiss. but it is a bad place to go shopping because everything is expensive :P
on the way to the top of europe..by train..
swiss alps baby :P
day 12
it is a long journey to paris. it takes the whole day, again i had backache.
day 13
we spend the whole day in Paris. it is a big city, very busy, and we had communication problem with the locals because they just don't speak English. Bonjour...Merci...
hehe,,those are the words that i know..hehe.. i've been to eiffel tower, take pictures, notre dame, hmm.. kfc halal.. and museum de louvre... there are a lot of other attractions, it's just that, it was hot n sunny on that day, and since it was france, we are not thinking to rush, to put a lot effort to finish all the suggested places because i may come back next time. so, my friends and I just spent some time together, took pictures buy souvenirs, that's it
it's eiffel...!
tempat freemason..haha
Day 14
climax of the trip
this is unreal, full of fantasy and imagination.
i enjoyed the roller coasters, and all the rides. but i missed the show, i din find mickey or minnie mouse, i don have pictures with them, but i saw the parade..ok la.. at least...i could see the characters...overall i really enjoyed my day in Disneyland...
it's disneyland...
the best ride i could say
my favourite character among all the disney's beauties
it's SNOW WHITE...:))
day 15
balik...from calais to dover..this time by ferry not in the tunnel, and i miss weather in london..chilly..
well...that's the end of the journey...what do i get along this journey..that's the most important part... hmm..Allah give us rukhsah.. and yes..it is very useful..but, along the trip..we prayed very late all the time. alwayssss ta'khir...got some people neglect their prayer..main bantai je...kepala hotak kau..tapi okla..at least they stop for prayer, but still mcm terabai je...hmm..
bile lame sgt seronok, i fell worried a bit because..i dunno..suka manjang..ngaji pon tak...i din recite quran for the rest of days u noe, i din bring my qran, lecehla nk jaga, iphone? mati dah..tak hidup pon...nasik baik smayang...if not, i will entirely forget tuhan for the rest of 15 days...
adoi..suke2, galok2 laki pempuan tak yah cte arr...bodo...
overall, seronok..byk experience..tp tu arr.. there's certain yang u will lose..u will degrade within yourself..carefull la..suke sgt pon tak best...nasib baik tak mati eksiden ke...tecucuk pancang kemah ke..haha..
psst..salah2 grammar kat atas tu abaikan la..mane2 spelling error..paham2 sndri..aku ni typo..mls nk edit..pjg..nk bace balik tu. malas..
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